This will fix the Khett Crashed shuttle and the sh3 crashed shuttle.
So before copying these files you need to remove some Data files.
this is how:
Go to the dir of where you installed the ME:A crashed shuttle and the Khett files
it mostly points out to be in your content data like (content/data/bioware/) or if you installed it manually to a self made dir like me (mass_effect/Data/bioware/)
So in any case look for that bioware data directory in your daz3d content and remove these files in there:
These files are now absolete.
now just copy the new content over the old ones from this zip file and the models will now work correctly
Please keep in mind that this only needs to be done if you have both Daz3d - MEA crashed And the daz3d - MEA_Khet (this will also fixed the last one since the Khett Crashed shuttle was missing its data files).
Fixed file for the sh3 crashed shuttle and the khett shuttle