Universal Hair Shader for Iray

Universal Hair Shader for Iray

Universal Hair Shader for Iray
A lot of cool hair comes with a few materials only, sometimes only 4 or 5 shades (just the basic colors are covered) and no add-on may be available. Or it has indeed more shades included, but the color or effect you want is not there.

Why not have a set of universal hair shaders for Iray that work with almost any hair, even animal hair and fiber mesh hair (like the new Victoria 8 eye brows) or eye lashes? Wouldn't this be handy?

This set contains 24 different universal hair shader presets and lots of options to adjust the look and effect (like glossiness, translucency etc.)

You can apply the shader presets to any surface. It even works with older non Iray hair. The non Iray surfaces you apply it to will be automatically converted into Iray shaders.

You can also use the presets on multi layered hair (hair that has more than one surface zone). Just apply the same shader preset to all surfaces or mix them for great effects, like strands etc.

A lot of adjustment options are included as well. With them you can easily change the glossiness, translucency and bump intensity of the applied shades. Of course you can also change all values manually for even more adjustment and fine tuning. You can save your favorite settings as shader presets for later use.

But there is even more. We have included some useful options for color mix effects and translucency mix effects. With them you can get creative and interesting results. Translucency Mix is can be also nicely for strains. It is not limited to the presets, just change the translucency or base color to any value you like.

A short manual is included as well for those who are not familiar with adding shader presets. A step by step instruction shows you how to apply a shader preset.


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