Hurricane Harvey

Home Page Forums Art Showcase Hurricane Harvey

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  • #323008
    Rank: Rank 5

    Help Is Here!

    Forgive the mediocre posing and quality of this render. It's not my best, but I didn't want to get too caught up in the small details but rather get this out to galleries to create awareness for the thousands of people put out of their homes and the people that risk their own lives to help those in need.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Thanks, Rob!

    It's a mess, to say the least. I'm trapped in my neighborhood, with no way out. Helping out with rescue dispatch, which is all I can do right now. As soon as the roads are clear, I'll be doing what I can to help with clean up. A lot of people are displaced, with no home, no food, no electricity, but spirits are still strong.

    Rank: Rank 5

    @Methusalas stay safe! My sister-in-law is trapped in her home in League City as well. Here in Austin, we dodged the bullet, but I have a lot of co-workers in Houston that are not all accounted for by my company yet. Hope all stays well... I know it's not over for you yet.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Trying to. My family is safe, but so many others aren't. I'm hoping with the rain letting up, I'll be able to get out of the neighborhood and start helping my city, tomorrow. I've got a car and a booster seat for kids, so once I can get out, I'll start bringing as many people as I can to shelters and ferrying as much food and what not to people that need it.

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