DAZ Studio Help please

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  • #285875
    Richard G
    Rank: Rank-1

    Ok, my laptop has gotten to old, decided to get a new one, which I am on now. I am downloading and transferring every folder I have from the old to the new using an External HDD but I found out in all the folders, files and backups I have, even though it is programmed on my older Laptop I don't have the self installer from DAZ Studio for DAZ Studio 3.1, and when I went there to redownload it, all they have now is just the content installer for 3.1 but not DAZ Studio 3.1 which I can not get anymore, even the people at the Help Forum are very rude about it when anyone asks for help in getting it replaced. And I do mean rude. I am crossing my fingers and toes here, but does anyone happen to have the actual Program Installer for DAZ Studio 3.1, not the Content Installer, the whole program. Please and thank you, in advance, very much.

    Rank: Rank-2

    1) If you bought it through the store, you can re-download it from My Account > Product Library, all of your purchased items stay in there.
    Go to your account page, click on Product Library, and filter on 'DAZ Studio 3' - you should see, among other things, DAZ Studio (Inactive) - click on that link and you'll get the product download links.

    Else try:

    2) Contacting Tech Support.
    As agents they have copies of almost all previous versions of the Studio Installers.
    They will either send it to you via email or reset it from your itemized order history.

    Or try this link:

    Richard G
    Rank: Rank-1

    Bud I have already tried redownloading it from my accounts page, the only thing that the installer is just the content not the program itself. I even thought I was installing it wrong so tried it 5 times thinking that it was going to the wrong folder on my computer. I went to the DAZ Studio forums and you should see how many other people who have the same problem were asking for help about it, all they got were rude answers to the problem or told the same thing that you said. That is why I was asking for help here, as I said, when I redownload the installer, all I get is the content for DAZ Studio 3.1, I need the actual Program for DAZ Studio 3.1...I have gotten 2.8, and all the 4.x programs but not 3.1

    Richard G
    Rank: Rank-1

    Thanks for the link, that is bigger then the one I have been downloading at DAZ Studio, the one I have been downloading is a bit over 50 mb, this one is a bit over 122 mb which tells me that it is a bit more. Thanks 🙂

    Richard G
    Rank: Rank-1

    My Laptop is a 64 bit, I am assuming when I downloaded it that it is for a 32 bit, I can not get it to install or even open. A screen pops up but nothing is happening.

    Richard G
    Rank: Rank-1

    Never mind, I fixed it. I had to make it compatible for Windows 10

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