Executive Hair for Genesis 3 Male and Female

Executive Hair for Genesis 3 Male and Female

Executive Hair for Genesis 3 Male and Female
Executive Hair is a highly versatile sophisticated morphing short hairstyle for your Genesis 3 Males and Females.
It comes with seven preset styles with morph dials, allowing you to tweak the style to your liking. There are also three wind morphs for even more variety.
The hair comes in ten colours with materials optimized for both Iray and 3Delight.
This hair combines fiberhair technology together with a custom hair cap for optimal rendering and realism.
Cap fits are incorporated for a large range of Genesis 3 characters (see below). Other shapes are supported by autofollow and the adjustment morphs included for the hair cap.
You should be aware that all fiberhairs are by their nature high on memory usage and may slow down lower end systems, but once loaded the hair typically renders faster than trans-mapped hair.

Tested in Daz Studio Only.

Included fits: Darius 7, Michael 7, Gianni 7, Lee 7, Leo 7, Kimo 7, Kenji 7, Tween Ryan 7, Ivan 7, Guy 7, Lucian 7, Elijah 7, George, Dragonsbane Barbarian, Raw Massive, Boogeyman, Nosferatu, Gwenbleiz, Toon Generations 2, Little Ones by 3DU, Monique 7, Victoria 7, Aiko 7, Arabella 7, Bethany 7, Eva 7, Gia 7, Kalea 7, Isabella 7, Karen 7, Lilith 7, Teen Josie 7, Mei Lin 7, Olympia 7, Rune 7, Sunny 7, Monique 7, Genevieve 7, Anneka Demon, Hag HD, Nata 3 and Star 2.0.


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