Casual Romper for Genesis 2 Female(s)

Casual Romper for Genesis 2 Female(s)

Casual Romper for Genesis 2 Female(s)
Now that the cooler weather is subsiding, it's time once again to bare those legs and soak in the sun. Casual Romper is a modest one-piece shorts outfit with a belt, strappy sandals, and plenty of fun jewelry to add just the right touch to your Spring or Summer renders.

The outfit comes with four color coordinated texture options for the clothing and the jewelry. The outfit is UV Mapped to allow for tiling textures in addition to baked textures. Templates are included so you can make your own textures. Also included are four shaders: gold, silver, pearl, and black pearl which can be used with Casual Romper or any other surface you choose. Finally, in the texture folder of your Runtime, you will find the plaid, gingham, and striped patterns in a tile-able format to use when making scarves, purses, bows or anything match the outfits.

The outfit features full body fits for Gia 6, Girl 6, Giselle 6, Teen Josie 6, Stephanie 6, Olympia 6 and Victoria 6, Julie from the Generation 5 Legacy Shapes for Genesis 2 Female(s) and the Youth Morph from Growing Up for Genesis 2 Female(s) are also supported, and last but not least, fits for both versions of Victoria 4 for Genesis 2 Female(s) have been included.

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