[UE5.1] Abandoned Police Department
A collection of several PBR Props and Modular pieces for an abandoned Police Department.
It includes a Demo scene, which includes the modular pieces set together, also it features the building with the first floor filled with props.
It also includes an overview scene showcasing all the props and pieces in this pack.
Modular Set of structures to build your own designs
Door (Pivot Set for rotation). *Basic Open/Close Door BP included
Over 150 high detailed Props
VertexPaint Setup
High Quality textures
Highly optimized for games
Separate Glass Meshes
Texture Sizes: 512-2k
Collision: Yes (CustomMade)
Tris Count: Range between 40924~8.
Vertex Count: 5484~24
LODs: No
Number of Meshes:
Over 50 Modular Pieces
5 Door Types and 4 Windows types
Over 140 Props
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 11 Master Materials and 78 Material Instances
Number of Textures: 234
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Window Tested
File Hosting: Other File Hosting