[UE] SciFi Beast01 Ghoul
-Character has Custom skeleton (Image skeleton preview included)
-Separate Versions (Full Modify, Only Body, WithRocketLaunch, WithClaws)
-3 skin.
-24 animation included
Attack = 6
LaunchRockets = 2
Walk = 5 (F + L + R+ B + F2)
Run = 1
Turn180 = 1
Idle - 2
GetHit - 4
Death - 2
Jump - 1
Full modify Character:
Triangles: 122 884
Vertices: 80 445
Only Character:
Triangles: 77 512
Vertices: 42 160
Triangles: 6676
Vertices: 3644
Triangles: 38 704
Vertices: 19 672
File Hosting: Mega.nz
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