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  • #2101289
    Rank: Rank 6

    I'm up to put 60,000 points in pot for 2025 CALENDAR COMPETITION.
    Only rule is to have 12 *one for each month* character renders (M/F, doesn't matter), with seasonal details on in the scene.

    The judge will be the community, I won't interfere or take part in competition myself.

    30K points for first place
    20K points for second place
    10K points for third place.

    POT DONATIONS: +155,100 points to be shared between contestants

    Due date for contributions - December 27th 2024.

    Are you up for it?

    Link to art competition thread:


    Rank: Rank 6

    Pot updated:

    10,000 points from @ethiopia

    Asset for the winner from @joelj

    5,000 points from @frank22

    10,000 points from @gaver

    10,000 points from @fuzzy3000

    10,000 points from @geekaveli

    Rank: Rank 5

    Great idea Worda. OK I'm in and adding 5K to the pot. Good luck everyone.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Send you 10K.
    Just one point.
    In aussie land santa comes in the mids of summer, while he snows in on this side of the world 😉

    Rank: Rank 5

    I'm sure the comp rules are flexible enough to encompass regional variations gaver. I'm more worried about having to produce 12 good renders on a single theme. I assume the winner/s will be based on votes for the best single image rather than their collection of twelve? Or is it an aggregate total from all images entered?
    It's no big problem, just needs a bit more clarification. We're talking about points here, which some now considered to be rocking-horse shit with the new rules.

    Rank: Rank 5

    There are a lot of variations possible I guess.
    We could do a vote per month for example, each month should have an " original" artist ( one pic per) and we end up with twelve different styles etc bundle it all together, create the months below it. A bit like a garage pin up calender.
    Can be purchased at the zone after completion. Contenders get free copy

    Sorry Worda, you got my idea engine started 🙂

    Rank: Rank 5

    I remember wishing the comp I started was judged by only me instead of a community vote..... far less complected, messy and time-consuming.


    Rank: Rank 6

    Well, at first, I thought that the prize should be for all 12 renders total, but you guys have some good point there.

    Whaddaya think of this:
    Initial prize stays as it is, for 12 images, one person.
    Added pot points splits for individual images between multiple people, voting for best month.

    Everyone satisfied, there are points to share between more people, should be enough for more artists to enter the competition.

    "Can be purchased at the zone after completion. Contenders get free copy" - I totally agree.

    Paul (Fuzzy3000)
    Rank: Rank 5

    Only just started to set up my new laptop, so might not have time to run with this.
    Happy to help out with the pot - check your PM.
    Good luck to those that enter - show us what you've got

    Rank: Rank 5

    Initial prize stays as it is, for 12 images, one person.
    Added pot points splits for individual images between multiple people, voting for best month.

    That is good plan, the more We can divide points among contestants, the better. More grade 1 will benefit that way
    say pot is 12.000, then 1000 for each month? ( so divide donations by 12) if contestant wins 2 months, then he/she gets honnor, but prize goes to NR2 ( so again, more people would benefit from points given
    Just brainstorming along

    From rank 3 up, we just enter for the fun?

    Rank: Rank 6

    Exactly @Gaver
    "Pot is 12.000, then 1000 for each month? (so divide donations by 12) if contestant wins 2 months, then he/she gets honors, but prize goes to NR2 (so again, more people will benefit from points given"

    So far it's close to 3000 points for one image. But it has to be 12 images submitted 🙂

    Also, voting will be conducted like Eurovision contest:
    Every member vote by this system:
    12 points goes to XXX for ***Image***
    11 points goes to YYY for ***Image***
    10 points goes to ZZZ for ***Image***
    etc... down to 1 point

    I think that there should be satisfactory rewards for level 3 and up for participating. So everyone feels involved. It will be holiday season, after all!
    Let's share some gifts 😉

    I sure hope that you'll find time and space to enter competition. Happy setting up your laptop mate!

    Rank: Rank-1

    In order to qualify for the contest you must submit 12 images?

    Rank: Rank 5

    So far it's close to 3000 points for one image. But it has to be 12 images submitted

    So it is understood
    If one enters , one has to provide 12 images, or can one do just a single image for a single month?
    I like the holiday spirit you got, might buy an item and keep it in stock until...
    ( Would it be handy to make a list, so people know what is coming?)

    Rank: Rank 5

    I just knew this was going to get complicated 🙁 .


    Rank: Rank 6

    @d0gg0d In order to qualify for the main prize one must submit 12 images. 12 months of the year. They also participate in single image contest.

    Individual images only will be judged for a shared pot points. I think this is fair and it'll attract more contestants.

    I will make a list when everything crystals itself out 🙂

    Life is complicated, I love mess 🙂

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