Grape Juice 3D's Ball Gag for Genesis 9
The ball gag is one of the most popular gags you see in DID scenes but i decided to create my own version of it.
The ball is strapped into the mouth behind the teeth, with the straps going around the head to secure it in place, in this version the straps are made of cloth. The wearer can still be heard, but it renders their speech completely unintelligible, distorts their facial features, and causes drooling if the wearer attempts to talk.
The gag has 8 bones, 2 morphs, 4 materials for the ball, 2 for the cloth, a template for the ball were you can add a "signature in it" (It's a JPG image so you can edit using an editor of your choice and use it as a texture) and you will get one morph for your Genesis 9 called "Grape Juice's Ball Gag - Gagged" that will put the ball inside your character's mouth and add more realism to the scene. Always use it as a prop ( the ball can look distorted if you fit on the character ).
Grape Juice 3D, Renderhub, Genesis 9
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