Storm in a Storm

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  • #2061200
    Rank: Rank-1

    First art post, feel free to critique =]

    Storm in Lightning Storm

    Rank: Rank 3

    Hello !
    Nice picture

    First of all, take my remarks as they are.
    Absolutly not important and just positive.
    I assume it's a Daz character with a Photoshop post-prod for lightning and clouds.
    In a compositing point of view:
    A little rotation of the character could put one hand in the direction of the right up corner.
    The other one goes naturally to the mid of the picture.
    And the legs will point to bottom right.
    Head and body staying aligned and a little shifted on the right ( like for a golden ratio).
    This will be more structured.
    There is something strange with the foot, I don't clearly see, but... Something ... 😉
    The right hand ( picture PoV) could be reworked as the fingers have a strange config (maybe it is voluntary ? ).
    To easily change a hand (or others body part) pose, I personnally use a lot the Zeddiscuss poses sets.
    Because you are able to change only the part you are interrested in. (You will find a lot of them on the Zone).
    The lightning could also be rotated a little to point the same way as the model.
    This will avoid the tiny white segment in the upper left.
    And will be more coherent for the composition.
    In this kind of rear main illumination, it's common to add a little other one in the front to hilight the model.
    Something really low, just to make appears the details, but preserving the atmosphere of the scene.
    That's all for me.
    I have to say that I never use Daz for rendering.
    For me DAZ is just a source of assets to import in Blender.
    So I don't really know what is easily faisable or not.
    As you have certainly noted, English is not my native langage, so far.
    I appologize for all the mistakes ...


    Rank: Rank-1


    Hey! Your english is great and the critique even better =].

    Actually for the scene its made totally in DAZ, no post-work just some messing with caustics and firefly. I used the kindredArts vdb sky and an stormy HDRI. It's actually just HDRI and the lighting from the lightning. I might change the DOF to make the clouds come out more! I'll also look at the slight front lighting, I wanted to just use the lighting effect but yeah you do miss the facial details.

    For the rotation That totally make sense! I assume it conveys more movement as well? I wanted to make it seem like she was holding on to part of the lightning. I think I'll have to curl the hands a bit more to get that off, I do love Zeddiscuss for the split body parts poses: for the left hand I used the PTF legendary poses hands.

    For the foot, yeah I actually cant believe I missed that clipping and its caught in 4k lmao.

    Awesome tips, I'll have to do a rework and post again!

    Rank: Rank-1

    Lightning effect on the skin look cool. Only thing that stands out at second glance is the eyes.
    I think the eyes should match the lightning color.

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