Tips & Suggestions for posting an Item I created. (newbie)

Home Page Forums General Chat Tips & Suggestions for posting an Item I created. (newbie)

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  • #2052966
    Rank: Rank-2

    I needed a place to post notices in a story I'm creating. I could not find anything useful. So I created one out of three primitives and 'borrowed' textures. I'm going to post it as a freebie once I know it works OK. I need a few experienced people to try it and offer suggestions.

    The only way to save it as a unit was as a sub-scene. "Save as prop" only save one of the three parts at a time.

    Link to the Town Bulletin board prop.

    Grouchy Old Fart
    Rank: Rank 3

    I likely won't be able to beat it up until tomorrow at the earliest, but I'm willing to give it a go (if I can remember to 🙂 )

    Rank: Rank 3

    .. looks nice and the scale is good.. love it.. 🙂
    .. as for suggestions.. it looks a bit too bright and clean.. but i guess that depends on the scene and can be changed depending on what you need..
    .. maybe try to add an additional weather beaten texture.. 🙂 (not absolutely necessary)

    .. two iRay previews with the original material and changed one for my scene (i used the wood from the medieval roadside merchant stall)..

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