DazGrabber for Windows

DazGrabber for Windows

DazGrabber for Windows

DazGrabber for Windows gets many of the details needed to make a request here. It gets: title, most of the tags [sku vender name], description, store url, and image url and it also saves the main image to disk giving you the name and location of where it saved the image. It uses an extra program called daz.exe using php and regex to get the details. It makes an http connection to get the image. It needs write access and read access to the directory it is executed from. While eset antivirus is always running dont ever shut down your antivirus. As it tries to connect for a http connection you might get a message about program daz.exe tying to make a connection, i had tried to make that a https connection but after weeks of testing it did not work no matter what i tried.

For each detail there is a copy button to the right which copies it to the clipboard, the namelabel of the last copied item is always green. The window stays on top so you dont have to minimize or move windows while pasting.

The program detects if youre online if not most will be disabled
The program checks for a valid daz3d.com links others are not supported.

There is a create link and delete button for making a shortcut on your desktop.

A simple chm helpfile can be found after clicking the ?

Execute only dazgrabberwin.exe!

Daz.exe is used internally and wont work if manually executed.

1 type or paste a valid daz3d.com url into the first editbox and click the Get Page button
2 if all went ok the Show Result button will be enabled click it

All fields should be filled now with information

Full source code is available from everything just ask

There is a small easteregg hidden

Unfortunately there is no option to share this for zero points because i dont neeed or want to have anything in return, my universal hope is that it will be used and usefull to anyone, if even one person uses it then it was worth the time and effort.

I have only tested it on winxpx64 and windows 10/11, so i cannot guarantee anything, use at your own risk

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