Feed up downloading dupes, want an easy way to Catalogue & Search your content?

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  • #204561
    Rank: Rank-1

    DirToTxt and TextSearch

    Programs to make your life easier 🙂

    DirToTxt takes the content of any directory/folder and converts it into a nice list, enabling you to copy and paste the result into a text file.

    Why? Well say you want to know what Daz products you have installed.

    open up DirToTxt browse to your DIM Directory Manifest folder, usually Users/Public/Documents/DAZ 3D/InstallManager/ManifestFiles

    and bang DirToTxt will show you a list of what you have installed, simply check the box marked Hide Extention, you can even use filters if you want to use it for other stuff, like just show zips *.zip etc.

    Anyway, now you have your list highlight the whole lot and copy and paste into a text file. Or you can even put it in a Database if you want, although Text files are much smaller and this is where the second program comes in.

    Text Search, all you need to do is have it in the directory/folder you would like it to search your text files, or put it anywhere and browse to your location, type in a search string and click the binoculars.

    All occurrences of the word or partialword you searched for will appear and tell you what file they are in. Nice 🙂

    Here's the downloads...


    Have Fun 🙂


    Colle O'Grbage
    Rank: Rank-1

    or just use a *real* file manager, like Total Commander, which has all these functions, and many more, built-in.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Apologies I'm old school and remember Total Comander very well, although don't remember it creating lists from directories, mind you I was using the DOS version 🙂

    Colle O'Grbage
    Rank: Rank-1

    i heartily recommend the current incarnation, it will boost your daz-items-filing productivity 10-times and more

    Rank: Rank-1

    Groovy thanks @grbage not used that program for around 20 odd years, I will check it out thank you 🙂

    Colle O'Grbage
    Rank: Rank-1

    you're welcome
    tabbed filing will change your life

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