dForce HnC Summer Pajamas Outfits for Genesis 8.1 Females and Males
dForce HnC Summer Pajamas Outfits for Genesis 8.1 Females and Males is a set of couple's pajamas for summer.
It consists of a shirt and pair of pants for both the male and female.
What's Included and Features
SPOF Pants (.DUF)
SPOF Shirt
Waist L-Back
Waist L-Front
Waist L-Side
Waist R-Back
Waist R-Front
Waist R-Side
SPOM Pants
Left Shin Bend
Right Shin Bend
SPOM Shirt
Waist L-Back
Waist L-Front
Waist L-Side
Waist R-Back
Waist R-Front
Waist R-Side
Materials Include
04 SPOM Shirt Materials
04 SPOM Pants Materials
04 SPOF Shirt Materials
04 SPOF Pants Materials
Supported Shapes:
Kala 8
Kanade 8
Aiko 8
Olympia 8
Victoria 8
Victoria 8.1
Teen Josie 8
Darius 8
Lee 8
Lucas 8
Michael 8
Michael 8.1
TheBrute 8
Owen 8
Textures Include:
27 Texture, Displacement, Bump Maps (4096 x 4096)
Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
This product includes:
1 DSON Core Installer
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