Chaos Corona 10 for Cinema 4D R17-2023

Chaos Corona 10 for Cinema 4D R17-2023

Chaos Corona 10 for Cinema 4D R17-2023

Corona 10 is out now, with a focus on streamlining your workflow and helping you be driven by your creativity!

-Easily add cracks, dirt, stickers, etching, embossing, and more thanks to individual control over the material channels (Diffuse, Displacement, Metalness, etc.) affected by a Corona Decal.
-Fly cameras through smoke and clouds, or have them half-submerged in water with accurate rendering from Cameras inside volumetric materials such as those from Phoenix simulations.
-Brighter, more accurate Caustics when rendering to large resolutions.
-Greatly improved quality of blurred highlights when using Depth of Field.
-Easily find and adjust scatters, lights, proxies, displacement, and cameras using the new Listers.

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