Poses That Jump to Remote Places

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  • #1969256
    Rank: Rank-2

    From time to time, I get pose sets in which the figure jumps off into outer space (or some distant part of whatever set it was designed for).

    Any way to fix these so they remain in the center of the scene?


    Stick Duck
    Rank: Rank 3

    Hold down the "Ctrl" key when you click on the pose and it will offer you various parameters to exclude when it is executed.

    Rank: Rank 5

    Stickduck is correct but there's another reason and method to correct it.
    Not so much "jumping away" but because your camera isn't at 0,0 when you apply the pose. With large scenes it better to move the entire scene/architecture so that the place you want to render is at your camera (0,0).
    You might have to create a new group if all the parts of the scene aren't parented together, furniture, props etc. before you move it.
    This way any poses you apply and any props you load will come in in front of your camera.
    Sounds complicated but I can detail a quick method I use for doing it if you want.

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