The Fleshsmith
Printable stl of high quality miniature from bestiarum games.
The Fleshsmith is both mother and maker of the Remade. Sequestered away deep in her
subterranean surgical theater, she is the twisted artist responsible for grafting together the
horrors at her command.
Centuries have passed since madness drove her from her place of learning and out into the
wilds. In her eternal quest to perfect her form, she has left in her wake a trail of torment and
death normally reserved for the most vicious of Warlords. The unfortunate folks who are
dragged into her deep lair are laid upon by her tools, and their harvested limbs and organs
are used to shape the next generation of her children.
However, as any good mother, she loves her creation with a tender fidelity, pained and
saddened whenever one should fall, buy joyful for the opportunity to give them life once
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