The Gates of Argonath

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  • #1890568
    Rank: Rank 5

    Hi guys, I am Helena, the daughter from Luca and I just wanna show an image. I once asked here, in the time where my dad was sick, if one knew a lake environment. Many thanks for all your help. Now I finally got it done. It is The Gates of Argonath or Pillars of Kings out of The Lord of the Rings. My challenge was to create depth. For me, I managed that a little bit. Only I have to say it is damn hard. Criticism is of course welcome.
    Have fun with it and thanks to all who has helped me.

    Rank: Rank 4

    I love it! The proportions are great and gives a real panoramic view. Excellent job!

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi Helena, the "built" of your scenery is god and the propotion as the perspective look great. The only little thing i would like say is about the fog, in "real" the fog is more thick with the distance, the closer is lighter. Anyway it is a nic picture and nice creation. Good luck to you and have fun.

    Rank: Rank-1

    Hi Helena,
    I love it and you did a great job with the depth !
    Beautiful well done 🙂

    Rank: Rank 7

    Hi Helena. You indeed created depth, but you could still improve the fog.

    In your image the fog seems to exist mostly in the front of the image, while in real life, the further away you look, the more fog you see (because it adds up with distance).

    So, to add depth fog, you actually need to render a depth canvas, then, in photoshop, use it as a mask for a grey layer.

    Here is a 4 min tutorial on how to use it:

    Rank: Rank 5

    Thank you all for your kind comments. The fog I have made in photoshop as post work. It was not so important to me. I guess I'll render it again with ground fog.
    Thanks Legolas18 for your idea about depth canvas.
    Have all a nice week.
    It is good to have Deepl

    Rank: Rank 5

    Hello @legolas18
    I am Helena and have tried that with the canvas. Without a success. I learned something and that is also important. Here is a new image, rendered with ground fog.
    Thanks again.

    Rank: Rank 7

    @lucafeelgood Hi Helena, it seems that you were able to use the depth correctly, although maybe you could just lower the opacity to not make it so dark in the background (if you so wish), and I'm glad you learned something new.

    Were you trying to achieve a different effect? There is a product for ground fog too that I remembered (

    Sometimes it's about trying different things until you figure out the best way for you to do things. Take care 🙂

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