StoryBrook Hair V4, A4, G4, Miki4 Repost
* Candy StoryBrook , PHC: StoryBrook Hair included *
Once upon a time there was a hair called StoryBrook Hair, and with the long flowing mane behind your figure's back, everyone gasped in surprise when the figure rotated around, watching in shock and surprise at the detailed updo and cascade of curls!
V4 Hair CR2 and OBJ
Miki4 Hair CR2 and OBJ
12 Mats for the Hair
12 DS Mats for the Hair
A variety of morphs including wind, movement, adjustments, new styles and lengths.
Promo Credits:
Fairy Gown from Sarsa and Thorne (Daz) - Emotion for the Fairy Gown by Outoftouch, Fabiana's Artissian Jewels, Sarentiy by Silver and Adiene. Angelic Backgrounds by Sveva.
*Note* Read Readme for tips for Miki4 Hair.*
File Hosting: Google Drive