Sculpt+Paint Wheel v2.3.2
Enhance your workflow with this awesomes and carefully designed sculpt and paint widgets!
Where can I find the tool?
[ for SculptWheel case ]
HOLD 'Space' key to trigger it on Sculpt mode, release so it goes away! It will be filled with default brushes and tools for you (you can change them later or create other toolset).
Addon panel can be found in 3D Viewport's sidebar > 'Sculpt' tab > 'Sculpt Wheel' panel
[ for PaintWheel case ]
HOLD 'Space' key to trigger it on Texture Paint and Vertex Paint modes, release so it goes away! But you can configure this to keep open and close when pressing again the hotkey. Note you can configure this key but by default is the spacebar.
For both paint modes, panel can be found in 3D Viewport's sidebar > 'Paint' tab > 'Paint Wheel' panel