@davev Welcome to the dark wizardry that is Zone Search Function!
I find Google to be a solid backup to searching out resources, makes it easier to discover if an item belongs to a bundle (Daz catalog will always tell you if it is part of a bundle, other stores not so much). Then you'll know to search for the bundle here. And Zone's SEO is darned good... maybe TOO good.
Also, always check not only the exact product name, but also just single words out of it, and try the SKU as well, but never rely on only just one method; sometimes people take liberties with copy-pasting titles, and SKU as a searchable tag is a relatively recent addition - the old post form didn't have a slot for SKU, so a lot of older Daz posts are without one. Not all catalogs provide one, either. (lookin' at YOU, Renderhobb!)
Check the search result carefully too, even though the individual product does not turn up, look to see if anything else returned would in fact be a containing bundle - if the product name appears in the description, the bundle will turn up. However, if only a single word in the search term appears in any description, that item also will turn up. So if any seemingly unrelated items are returned, double check them. Be a ninja.
And bless you for buying just to stock the shelves here, totally unnecessary, but kind!