CMS not working? Constant error? Try this!!!!

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  • #1791427
    Rank: Rank 7

    Hello everyone. If you are like myself, then you have seen a CMS error from day 1 forward within DAZ Studio. If this is you I may have located the fix. If not but your getting errors try this as well and let us all know if it worked please.

    So last night as I was trying to clean up my folders as I was unzipping new items to look at. I ran across a folder simply named "cms" within my "program Files" folder.

    C:\Program Files\cms

    Within this UNKNOWN of file that DAZ installs during install I locate this file...


    I instantly knew this was my fix. I then quickly cursed Daz and myself for all the wasted time I have spent online trying to get my CMS up and running. I quickly installed, did a restart to be safe, then jumped inside Daz and FINALLY got no message about a broken CMS. It worked! Its running a complete Gen 3 to Gen 8 clothing conversion right now. 9 hours in on the conversion and still going strong.

    SO there you have it. I hope this reaches anyone else out there that somehow missed the install info DAZ may or may not have shared about our CMS installation file.


    Rank: Rank 6

    Well, It bears mentioning that DAZPostgresqlCMS_9.3.4.exe is the manual installer that you can download from Daz, and it is the user's responsibility to launch it to complete installation of the CMS. When installed using Install Manager, the package is fetched as a zip starting with IM00018869-... and the CMS is automagically installed.

    Apparently you only now finished a job you forgot to complete way back when :p

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