AB Toontaur for Genesis 8.1 Male

AB Toontaur for Genesis 8.1 Male

AB Toontaur for Genesis 8.1 Male

AB Toontaur for Genesis 8.1 Male is a funny re-interpretation of a classic fantasy theme.

The character is highly versatile and it comes with a set of 101 morphs (8 morphs for the horse half, 28 for the head, and 65 body morphs for the character), offering the opportunity to create countless variants.

His body and head morphs are independent of other morphing packages and can be used without additional products.

The character comes with 4 eye colors, 3 skins (base, pale, and dark), and 3 color variants for the horse half and the tail (brown, dark/black, and light/grey).

The connection between the horse and the human body is provided via a geoshell and its related materials (brown, dark/black, and light/grey) so the transition blends naturally.

Metallic marks (gold, copper, silver, and green) for the torso, the head, and the horse half can be applied via another additional geoshell (1 for the human and 1 for the centaur), granting that they work with the Toontaur as well as any other Genesis 8.1 Male or Centaur 8 character without unwanted effects on the basic skin.

All of the metal decorations match the makeup, eyelashes, and fingernail colors.

Toontaur is for lovers of fantasy, but not only that, as the character is also a stand-alone product for Genesis 8.1 Male with all the related materials.

The horse half morphs apply to Centaur 8 and Centaur 8.1.

Note: Materials are Iray only.

Add AB Toontaur for Genesis 8.1 Male to your library today and have fun with the limitless possibilities!


Required Product:Genesis 8 Male Centaur

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