Any Blender experts in the house?

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  • #1738164
    Rank: Rank-1

    I like using Daz for putting together characters, but I prefer Blender for basically everything else. I use the Daz-to-Blender bridge. Most of the time it does a great job setting up materials so they look the same with cycles, but I've noticed it struggles with very dark skin. Does anyone have any tips for darkening the skin in Blender so it still looks realistic/good? Image examples below.

    Iray: iray

    Cycles: cycles.. guess the hair didnt quite make it lol

    Rank: Rank 3

    I'm the furthest thing you can get from an expert, I'm a total beginner 🙂
    I think part of the problem you are seeing is higher reflectiveness and specularity. About halfway down this page is why I think that:

    Have you given the Diffeomorphic plugin a try to see how the materials look on import? I'm getting into Blender to do animation. Daz is a total no-go.

    Rank: Rank 6

    Daz assets use either RSL (3Delight) or MDL (Iray) materials, Blender's native material is Principled BSDF. A large portion of the RSL/MDL parameters are irrelevant to BSDF, and are not accounted for, so you will only see the basics; base texture, normal maps, specular maps, etc. All the other stuff like subsurface scattering, refractive index, metallicity, etc. are omitted since there's no 1:1 translation for those parameters.

    You'll have to dive deep into the various shader settings in Daz to design analogous settings for Cycles or Eevee in order to get something that looks like the original.

    BTW, I'm no expert, I just play one on TV. :^p

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