Camping Site by clacydarch3d
Camping Site is the perfect place to unplug from the noise of the city. Enjoy the scenery with friends or family. Light a bonfire after the sun sets. Roast something on the fire and indulge. Sleep on a big airbed inside the tent, and wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed. This product is Iray-compatible.
What's Included and Features: Camping Site: (.DUF); Camping Site Preset
Props: CS Bag; CS Bed; CS Bonfire; CS Campfire Roast; CS Chair; CS Cooler; CS Drink; CS Firewood; CS Grass; CS Ground; CS Guitar; CS Log; 03 CS Plants; CS Rock; CS Small Tree; CS Table; CS Tent; CS Torch; CS Tree; CS Water Bottle
Textures Include: 58 Texture, Bump, HDRI, Normal, and Transparency Maps (512 x 512 to 4096 x 4096); Daz Studio Iray Material Presets (.DUF)
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