Heated Nights Set

Heated Nights Set

Heated Nights Set

This package include:

HNset is a sexy set for G8F comes with a suit and a dForce robe, Robe has 11 different transp material preset, Stocking and suit 13.
All mat presets for IRAY only!
Suit and Stockings are not separate items but they have separate material presets. The BASE mat presets set everything back to zero on suit and a separate preset for robe.
Robe has a few dForce helper morphs, so easy to use without timeline simulation, but if you use verycomplex poses I recommend to use timeline or memorized pose simulation.
Note: If you wanna use the robe and the suit together after when you load the robe to G8F use the RobeOverSuit morph.

Product was tested the G8F base and the base body shapes like Heavy, BodyBuilder, etc....
Product WAS NOT TESTED on Victoria 8, Monique 8 ,etc...

Installation & Instructions:
Daz3D: Unzip all files, "data, Documentation, People, Runtime" to your "C: or D:\Users\Public\Public Documents\My DAZ 3D Library


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