Killer Lighting - Lighting for Photorealistic Renders - Part 3 Controlling Studio Lights

Killer Lighting - Lighting for Photorealistic Renders - Part 3 Controlling Studio Lights

Killer Lighting - Lighting for Photorealistic Renders - Part 3 Controlling Studio Lights

Part 3 - Controlling Studio Lights (1 hour 45 minutes)

Shooting in a studio, especially a virtual studio, affords the artist some incredible freedom. Backdrops can be placed so far away that no lights hit them at all. Floors can be huge in relation to the size of the studio. In the real world, we are limited by the physical size of the studio, so the photographer must rely on tricks to get the look that they're going for.

In this episode, John builds on all that we've learned so far to demonstrate how Dome and Scene lighting can be used to create very different scenes and very different types of lighting: full body in motion, portraiture, high key lighting, ‘Rembrandt' lighting (a well-known arrangement of key, rim, and fill), and using a mirror to see both the front and the back of your model at the same time. The mirror is especially interesting because it reflects not just the models but also the HDRI that we're using, so John explains the special tricks to prevent incoming HDRI light from being reflected.

About the Presenter - John Kent

I'm a self-taught digital artist with a background in software tools and professional photography. These 2 worlds came together when I discovered 3D composition and rendering environments. With these tools, I can exploit light, shape, and texture to build scenes that would be almost impossible for me to stage using real-world photography, rapidly iterating from initial visual sketches to compelling photorealistic art. I also enjoy teaching and mentoring others, so I'm glad to work with Meshology to help other artists develop and render their own digital visions.

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