FILLED --- Looking for a couple of real oldies from RDNA

Home Page Forums Request FILLED --- Looking for a couple of real oldies from RDNA


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  • #1638859
    Rank: Rank 3

    I'm Looking for several real oldies from RDNA called Refined Tastes for M3 & Refined Tastes 2 for M3. As well as, for any of the add-on texture packs called After Midnight and Country Gentlemen.

    For all Four together I will happily give 18,000 points but I'm not hopeful on that. But if you do have any of the files I'm Happy to Pm over 5000 points for the outfit and 2500 points each for the texture addons. Since the site is defunct and I only have the one picture of the outfit I really do hope that someone here recognize it and may have it on some dusty cd somewhere. I had these files once but lost them when my older computer died.

    Refined Tastes For M3

    Thanks in advance!

    Rank: Rank-1

    Here's what I found on my old mixed-up hard drive:

    M3 Refined Tastes
    After Midnight for M3 Refined
    Blood Rites for M3 Refined
    Refined Tastes Tex Exp Blood Noble

    Try this:

    I think I did everything correctly.
    Hopefully all are working. Don't need any points, just enjoy.

    Rank: Rank 3

    Thank you! Thank You!!

    , can't tell you how happy I'm right now, lol, to have these oldies back in my runtime. I'm using Genesis 2 and these old items with a little work and new shaders sometimes look better than a lot of the newer stuff out for Genesis 8.

    If you change your mind about the points just let me know but I'm definitely going to enjoy playing with this outfit!

    Corissa 🙂

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