Quick Iray Outdoor Presets 2
Do you find the built in Iray Environment Lighting difficult to use and adjust, with its time, date, longitude and latitude settings?
These gorgeous and professionally designed Iray presets will let you instantly choose between various lighting conditions, such as dust, ice, hell and skyfall with stunning thick atmosphere for additional (and optional) depth in your renders.
No more trying to get the sun and shadows right, simply click on any of the presets, choose the one that you like and hit render!
With super easy and quick control icons, you can also adjust intensity, glow on / off and even sky rotation without entering the render settings.
Works with any outdoor scene or indoor scene with big windows.
Does NOT use HDRI maps, uses the built in Iray environment lighting.
NOTE: All promos are untouched, and rendered straight from one of the presets without any adjustments.