Collective3d Contemporary Home 1

Collective3d Contemporary Home 1

Collective3d Contemporary Home 1

Collective3d Contemporary Home 1 is the exterior-only companion of the Collective3d Movie Sets Home Interior, and the latest in a long line of Collective3d exterior house sets.

Contemporary Home 1 features an exterior-only house styled in Craftsman Revival, along with the lawn, driveway, foliage, fences, lights, and gates. In addition to the house and the property lot, there are 9 exclusive new items for Create a Room. The house additionally features 8 color presets for the siding, ranging from "white" to "blue" to "Mellencamp Pink."

A preload scene is included, as depicted in the promos, along with a separately loadable house, assembled fence, and terrain with assembled walk lights. 9 Create a Room assets install directly into your Create a Room folder, so there's no hunting around to find which piece came with which set!

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