NecDaz91 Foot Morph Pack

NecDaz91 Foot Morph Pack

NecDaz91 Foot Morph Pack
So I've been requested by A LOT of people for this and I've taken plenty long enough making you all wait, so here it is.
I'm selling this morph for 50 U.S. Dollars. This price is non-negotiable.

Why this price?
I know this is a bit more than vendor sites and their morphs but that's because I am a solo artist, my art won't get recognized as much as works made on vendor sites.

If you're curious on the quality of the morph just take a look at some of my renders, this foot may not be an HD morph but it comes close to those
in fixing the issues Genesis 8 default feet have.

You shouldn't have any issues I already loaded the morph in myself and tested it, but just to be safe here are some notes:
1. This is an object file so make sure you're familiar with morph loader on Daz3D.
2. If you have any distortion when applying foot shape bends, make sure you learn how to use the feature "Adjust Rigging to Shape" There
are plenty of tutorials here on deviantart about it. Or just google it. :shrug: or :dunno:

You are not in any way shape or form allowed to share this morph, if you do and I catch you I'm sending assassin monkeys to your house. If you do use my work
in an image please at least make a light mention of me.

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