Mec4d PBS shaders for Iray vol.3 MR

Mec4d PBS shaders for Iray vol.3 MR

Mec4d PBS shaders for Iray vol.3 MR
PBR shaders for Iray include over 263 unique Metal shaders and Micro Surfaces

All shader values are PBR based reflecting the physically based materials and calibrated to render proper with Iray with the industry standards.

Like no other it is a must have database of shaders for each Iray enthusiast producer, no matter you are creating new product or re-texturing your old set with new Iray Materials you get always accurate results and happy customers. The PBR Metals Categories will provide you with all basic Metal shaders and Micro Surfaces that can be added on each metal for desired effect, shaders were constructed to allow using your own normal or bump maps, AO maps for control the reflections or even cavity maps.

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