nsfw issues

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  • #1219623
    Rank: Rank-1

    Odd title I know but, it's better than if I said the issue. Which is flat dicks....

    now, I have this issue were the model when attatched to any model with a big belly. The member goes flat like the z axis scaling has been set to 10% or something, which pretty much wrecks the picture or scene. I've noticed this issue in other male anatomy models when ever I increase the model it is attatched to belly, as if the shaft is getting forced flat and even bent around the belly.

    I would like some help in solving this issue..

    Rank: Rank-1

    put your male models on a diet... That will solve it. *giggles and thinks fondly of my lost "fluffy man"*

    Rank: Rank-1

    an interesting thought but not really helpful given my needs

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