1stB-Long Stretch of Forested Road Add-On

1stB-Long Stretch of Forested Road Add-On

1stB-Long Stretch of Forested Road Add-On

1stBastion's Long Stretch of Forested Road adds much need vegetation to the original Deserted Road environment. Pine, spruce, tall grass, and ferns add a northern climate ecosystem to the existing Long Stretch Roadway. The south side of the road has the denser foliage of the trees and the north side has a meadow and small pond that will disappear as the sunlight of the daytime sun will evaporate the accumulated rainfall.

The terrain has been re-textured and thousand of additional instances have been added to the scene. Most are turned off in preview mode to help keep the scene manageable during pre-production, but will render in both Iray and 3DeLight when required.

The 3Delight version comes with an Uber-Env2 light set and a physical skydome, and the Iray version will work with whichever HDRI dome the artist may choose to use. The scene also comes with some extra cameras to take advantage of the new foliage. The 3Delight version is intended for use with Daz Studios 4.6 through 4.10.

Get 1stB-Long Stretch of Forested Road Add-On to add a special landscape to Deserted Road!

Please note: the trees and ferns and grass included in this set need the base landscape and roadway in the required product. This is a big scene with 1000's of instances added. The 3Delight scene version loads and renders on a 4 gb computer with integrated graphics. Please remember to set Optimization to "Memory" in the render setting for Iray renders.


Required Product:1stB Long Stretch of Deserted Road

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