19 Stylized PBR Materials
19 Stylized PBR Materials
The package of 19 stylized PBR Materials. Contains Texture map (Base Color, Normal, Roughness, Height, Ambient Occlusion) Resolution 2048x2048. Material uses Parallax occlusion(Height map). Material has settings: luminance, height, tiling UV, scale UV, offset UV .
The package of 19 stylized PBR Materials. Contains Texture map (Base Color, Normal, Roughness, Height, Ambient Occlusion) Resolution 2048x2048. Material uses Parallax occlusion(Height map). Material has settings: luminance, height, tiling UV, scale UV, offset UV .
Texture Resolutions: 2048x2048
Number of Materials: 19
Do Materials derive from a Master Material with instances as variation: Yes
Number of Textures: 95
Materials have a Texture map (Base Color, Normal, Roughness, Height, and Ambient Occlusion)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, PS4, Xbox One
Supported Target Build Platforms: 4.19/4.20/4.21
File Hosting: Mega.nz
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