Daz LOD System v1.3 (Better Scene Optimizer)


Daz LOD System v1.3 (Better Scene Optimizer)

- Remove solid or useless textures and converts them into values.
- Measure the distance to each object surface, take into account their size, render resolution and based on this create an LOD, that is, an image in reduced - resolution.
- If the camera gets too far from the object, the normal, roughness, bump maps will be removed from it and the average value will be applied so that the matte object does not become glossy. But at the same time, the object will always have Base Color, Metallicity and Opacity so that the color or silhouette does not change. If you go back, the values will return. Works with all shaders.
- Always ensure that only one version of the texture is used in the whole project.
- Store all information about the removed textures in the object itself, and not in some .txt file, so you won t be able to lose data.
- Hide small objects that are generally not visible from afar, but will not hide luminous objects because they are noticeable.
- Calculate the approximate amount of VRAM that will be occupied by all scene textures and the HDRI map.
- Reduce SubD resolution.

The filename naming is compatible with the V3D Daz Scene Optimizer, so all the textures created with it will be used by the script to find the files in their original resolution 🙂

After purchasing the script, don't forget to join my keyclap dev Discord server to report bugs and receive updates and news.



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