Whymsy Poses for Genesis 3 Female

Whymsy Poses for Genesis 3 Female

Whymsy Poses for Genesis 3 Female
Whymsy poses are a collection of beautiful and varied poses. They are divided into 5 categories:

Each and everyone was carefully crafted with great attention to every detail: the shoulder, hip and neck position, the natural pose and action (or inaction) of the hands, the feet and toes position.
All poses were perfected from every angle, always working with front, back, left and right cameras on display and rotated all around for a balanced look at 360°.
All poses were done completely from scratch, no dial already set, to achieve the most balanced, unique and natural look possible.

Partial poses: make a world of difference!
If you ever used a pose package that includes partial poses, you know there is no turning back. The versatility and creativity partial poses offer is something we can't do without and it really helps spark the imagination.
Not to mention that from 25 basic poses, you'll actually get hundreds of possible combinations.

Power Stance partial poses include:

Top (from the Abdomen up)
Bottom (Hip and down)
Arms (from Collars to Fingers)
Legs (Thighs to Toes)
Explore, rotate, mix and match and enjoy!

NOTE: Whymsy clothes include 287 movement morphs for the skirt that match Whymsy poses perfectly! For every pose there is a corresponding morph on the top and several (5 to 18, depending on the pose) matching poses for the skirt (287 totally).
The Floor/sitting poses have just 5 since they are limited in scope, while the others have plenty, from sober, to very dynamic and undressing ones!


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