Unreal Live Link Plug-in 1.22

Unreal Live Link Plug-in 1.22

Unreal Live Link Plug-in 1.22


Unreal Live Link Plug-in 1.22

The iClone Unreal Live Link Plug-in transfers, links and animates characters, lights, and cameras from iClone directly into Unreal Engine. iClone and Unreal Engine users benefit from the collaboration between Reallusion and Epic Games through this dedicated character creation and animation workflow that delivers digital humans to Unreal Engine. The Unreal Live Link Plug-in for iClone innovates content for Unreal and removes the tedious FBX file import/export process; seamlessly sending iClone characters to Unreal with automated character shaders and skeleton setup.

Direct Asset Transfer without FBX Import / Export

One-click asset transfer from iClone sends characters, lights, cameras and animation to Unreal Engine 3D characters automatically while assigning shaders, animation and blueprints.

Live Link Controls Characters, Lights and Camera

iClone is a remote production controller for Unreal Engine. Conveniently control cameras, lights and shoot scenes in Unreal using the iClone camera and lighting tools with Live Link. Adjust light strength, color, and falloff or set and control Camera Parameters for FOV, Filmback, Near-Far Blur Levels.

Synchronous Real-time Motion Editing from iClone to Unreal

Live-perform full character animation including face, body and fingers. Synchronously capture motion data streamed from different gear, save data in separate motion tracks for further editing and stream it live to Unreal Engine for sequencing via the iClone Unreal Live Link plugin.


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