Odd Bundle

Odd Bundle

Odd Bundle
Odd Bundle

Required Products:
Young Teens 5 Julie and Justin
Genesis Starter Essentials
Genesis Evolution: Body Morphs
Genesis Evolution: Head Morphs

We're all Odd here! The Odd bundle comes packed with Emelie and Edward Odd Characters and Odd Wear outfit set for Genesis.

Emelie and Edward Odd

We're all Odd here! Meet Emelie M. Odd and Edward M. Odd, the youngest of the Odd family. With initials like E. M. O. its no wonder this pair has turned to the darker more rebellious things life has to offer.

Emelie is the brighter of the pair. She comes with six eye colors, two nail colors, and seven makeups with matching lips from dark and depressing to bright and colorful in true teenage fashion.

Edward is the true brooder. Older by mere minutes, this twin is the more serious of the two. He comes with six eye colors, two nail colors, seven dark makeups and two lip options to dramatize his look.

Odd Wear

We're all odd here! A casual outfit for all your Goth, Emo and Scene characters. With enough mix and match possibilities and options that even a normal teen would love these tees!

Included are 18 textures for the Tee & Pants with matching belts and separate loading sleeves. Hide options included to hide the belt chains or studs and to hide the upper or long sleeve for a variety of styles!

Custom morphs for the most popular shapes for Genesis are included as well as various movement and adjustment morphs.

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Required Product:Genesis Evolution: Morph Bundle

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