Horatio for M4 and Genesis

Horatio for M4 and Genesis

Horatio for M4 and Genesis
Horatio for M4 and Genesis Details

Horatio for M4 and Genesis is a complete character package for Daz Studio and Poser!

Michael 4 Morphs++
Genesis Evolution: Morph Bundle
V4 and M4 Shapes for Genesis
Michael 5

His head is a custom sculpt, as is his sagging neck and arthritic hands. Horatio's texture is comprised of hi-res photos and displacment maps. Horatio for M4 has 2 body options: one that utilizes a mixture of the Morphs++ and the Elite Body Shapes, and one that only uses the Morphs++, both for ease of fitting clothes.

Horatio for Genesis also has a custom head sculpt similar to the M4 version as well as his sagging neck and slightly misshapen hands. These features can be found in the Shaping Tab. As an extra for those who own M5, there is also an adjusted texture for his torso and a matching texture for the M5 anatomical elements.

With most texture options also available with advanced shader settings (Poser 9/2012 SSS and D|S 3/4 EHSS), Horatio for M4 and Genesis comes with more than enough to keep your rendering engine busy, regardless of which software you like to use!


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