HDRI Iray Outdoor Landscape Environments

HDRI Iray Outdoor Landscape Environments

HDRI Iray Outdoor Landscape Environments
HDRI Iray Outdoor Landscape Environments

7 HQ Iray 360 degree environments for Daz Studio.

These HDRI environments capture the lighting of real world scenes.
Render your characters or objects in real world locations.
Instantly load fully detailed photographic environments with one click.

There are also tool presets included to adjust the dome rotation, light intensity and
the ground shadows easily.

All environments are 360 degree panorama HDRI settings. You can freely rotate the dome to get the desired part of the environment.

- 7 HDRI Iray Environment Presets (.DUF)

Tool Presets
- 9 dome rotation presets (.DUF)
- 4 ground shadow presets
- 6 presets for light intensity (.DUF)

- 7 HDRI Environment maps (HDR format)


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