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Thank you guys for all your responses. I've had a killer stomach bug for the past few days (probably TMI) which is why I didn't respond before now.

Poser 2012 was the last version I used regularly. In the beginning - once I discovered it - I found Poser far better than Daz. The renders looked better, the tools were more appealing than anything Daz had to offer, the interface was easier to navigate, etc. But once Daz introduced iray and added more options, I found myself using Poser less and less. I haven't upgraded Poser - I still have Poser 2012 installed, but I haven't used it in the longest time.

I remember when Poser was the go to 3D program and often saw the catty comments with regards to Daz on art sites, but now I'm seeing the opposite. Also, so many people have branched out and began to model and design for themselves, and often use Keyshot as a renderer.


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