CS Caterpillar

CS Caterpillar

CS Caterpillar
CS Caterpillar

Contains .exe files

Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on the milkweed plant (Asclepias). This is the only food source a monarch caterpillar has. Laid one at a time, they are generally found on the underside of the leaf. Upon hatching, the caterpillar grows fast, from barely visible to 2 inches long in a few weeks. When it is time to go from the larva (caterpillar) to pupa (chrysalis) the skin is shed and a jade green casing emerges. Later from inside this chrysalis, the caterpillar will transform into a beautiful Monarch butterfly. The Queen butterfly’s offspring also feed on the milkweed plant. Their caterpillar is distinguished by its yellow and red markings and additional set of tubercles. Both species take advantage of the natural toxin found in the milkweed and predators learn quickly not to eat the brightly colored larva. The CS Caterpillar is ready for your Poser|DAZ Studio Runtimes! Created to be fun to pose and easy to render this original figure is another for your collection.

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