01 Lea Autumn

01 Lea Autumn

01 Lea Autumn


Lea is a children's character set up for facial puppetry and she has a G3 360 degree head for CA4. She has several hand, mouth and eye sprites included and you can achieve good results by applying side facing motions to her.

Lea comes up with a cap, which you can activate or deactivate by sprite swapping. Lea's autumn outfit also includes a yellow umbrella that is supplied as a separate prop.

The umbrella (prop) consists of three parts - the yellow top, a brown underside and the handle. All three parts should be linked together. It is important that the underside of the umbrella is attached behind the character. The yellow top and the handle must be placed in front of the character. Using sprite swapping, you can select the fist on Lea's left hand and position the handle and the top of the umbrella accordingly.


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